Here's a sample:
PLEASE STEAL THIS COPYRIGHT! Have thousands great ideas
for impossible and ridiculous goods and services already written into silly
want-ad form. Any crafty entrepreneur could make millions on the coasts.
Sell it as Box B, Bucksville, then send your excuse and lawyer's address
to Box, B Bucksville.
1st INTERVIEW with Box B, Bucksville. |
2nd INTERVIEW with
Box B, Bucksville.
There are hundreds of Box Bs. Here are the archives by year.
CAUTION: Since you looked down here you are rewarded/cursed with ADULT Box Bs. You will read at your own risk. If you aren't an adult type and can't handle suggestive material then GO BACK. DON'T LOOK! HAVE NO FUN!
Dysclamor: these materials are not endorsed, approved, sponsored or provided by or on behalf of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Last updated 2/8/18