Box B, Bucksville 2007

KNOW GOOD PRODUCTS! Need to upgrade your sausage? Want to buy Bye Bye By-Products? Uncontaminated chemicals and unadulterated meat are hard to come buy Know Wurst Products at the Know Good Store where you know what's in store for you. Guaranteed to last till you leave, know that you are saying good buy to the best when you know Good Products at Box B, Bucksville.

Do you like trees in the form of wood chips underfoot surrounding your house? Want to live in a pleasant community where you can walk 70 miles an hour to Nor Mall or the Mallaria? Consider living behind Brown Briars on Paved Acres, across the tracks from Box B, Bucksville.

FOOD CHAIN LETTER: This is real. Send a salad to the first address listed below, lasagna to the second address, garlic bread to the third, and a bottle of wine to the fourth. Remove address 1, put your address in position 4, copy and send to 20 people who like Italian. Within three weeks you'll have an Italian dinner party for 300 people, so mail your invitations early to 1) Box B, Bucksville, 2) Box B, Bucksville, 3) Box B, Bucksville, 4) Box B, Bucksville.

Man was created imperfectly in His own image. The flaw is, We create god in Our image, then hate Ourselves AND god. Listen to the iCon and see that you hear (ka CHING!) a tone meant to (ka CHING!) ring your chimes and lighten your load for 50 Bucks to (ka CHING!) Box B, Bucksville.

I can't prove that something isn't, and you can prove that something is, but your claim that you sent me a check does not prove that I got it so you still owe 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

Have you been longing for another bin, or bin longing for a has been? If your life is in the bin and you want to not be a has bin or bin had, become a Human Bin. For a bucket of info contact Rusty Bin at Box B, Bucksville.

Drive a Fastford Feckless? Want Nascard Happy Hour Dancers on your next lap? Get them shimmy shanken roller rockers and bolt on carbs, then trek to the track and don't look back cause we're on your ass for 50 Bucks at Box B, Bucksville.

Did the Brewtik bartender quit serving you because you was dead? BE the beer commercial! Tap abs of aluminum! Hop on the beerwagon and redecorate the inside of your six pack. Be cool as a keg. Beer will make you a man and we'll make 50 Bucks at Kegs B, Bocksville.

Tired of living but scared of dying? Curious to know what's at the end of that Tunnel Vista but not ready to make the final commitment? Try our Breviated Tour to the Other Side. We'll take you to the Light and back, whereupon you will be 50 Bucks lighter at Box B, Bucksville.

Wanna battle impossible daily doubles and never get a scratch? Wanna do supermanly stunts and always get the babe that loves ya? Holly Would Productions will make you a woman or any unbelievable thing else you want to be for enormous amounts of money, but I'll give you a cheap hint (We live in an Entertainment Nation.) for only 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

Average Motors on the Solarge Plaza serves roilly and earns your loilty with amassing new models:
The Escalate - best pointed downhill;
The Toehold - tiny niche market on the edge;
The Approxima - rubber steering for the indiscriminating;
The Genera - it grows and grows on you;
The Exploder - BATF certified to land home securely;
The Minima - some assembly may be required;
The Enervator - for all those REALLY short trips;
The Forcedster - Camo Lawn and Street Tracktor;
The Potent Eight - Mighty Cylinders of Steel;
The Commutable - converts fuel into work and waste.
Come see what's Average and dripping oil on the Solarge Plaza next door to Box B, Bucksville.

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Last updated 10/18/07.

DISCLAIMER: These materials are not endorsed, approved, sponsored, or provided by or on behalf of the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.