World's largest collection of LAMPOON WANTADS. Corporate humor.
When were you last impressed by someone who marches to the beat of a different drummer? Herein are the etudes of one who drums the beat to the different marchers.

Example: Long-term investment opportunity. Send $5000 a month for 50 years to Box B, Bucksville.
BOX B, BUCKSVILLE, Copyright 1983-2099

In 1986 I created the DICTIONARY OF DEMOCRACY after describing to some friends what DEMOCRACY really means.

Another 1986 creation is the SOLARGE CORPORATION. I was first to claim the rights to the energy of the sun that reaches our planet, and promptly made a deal to buy it from myself for the nifty sum of 50 Billion Bucks. Everyone who uses the energy of the sun owes the Solarge Corporation, so when you gonna pay up? View all the SOLARGE BOX B.

More original stuff:
LETTERS from Mom to Superman, Barney, Wile E. Coyote, Peter Cottontail & Porky Pig. FABLE 1 - The Name Makes the Man
FABLE 2 - Fowl of a Feather
TV SHOWS you'll never see but wish you could.
SEAPORT Authority press release CRYSTAL GARAGE - Psychic Ship Channeling Original WRITTEN STUFF

Because health is most folks' number one concern, YOGA is one of my favorite hobbies.

Starting with my all time favorite, here are some usable

The Solarge Mindsite

If you want to, Email Bucksville