Box B, Bucksville 2016

DriveThru Banking ensures you'll be solvent and satisfied to send 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

You may not think you stink but if you gotta human body you better think again. You are not getting any younger and you don't wanna end up a stinky ol' geezer so if you still have that empty 5-gallon bucket of HogTown ReOdorant brang it buy and I'll filler up with Old Manly B-Odorant for only 50 Bucks at Buckets B, Bucksville.

Precedential candidate Promo again announces bid for Office of Prehistoric Oil Deposits of the First Degrease. Refined dinoschmooze that we've all been before reflects crude promotion and suggests refracted satisfaction and slick lubrication for sliding 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

I was pre-forming a think tank and thought of performing think tanks and got a whole bunch of mimes and street performers to line up in front of the office and go thru the motions of helping their favorite fictional farcity. After a few dress rehearsals all agreed that they are ready to perform the real act of handing 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville!

Bringing the best out of you, your siblings, your cow-orkers, your banker and your bank account, I bring smiles and you bring 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

Experts agree we need experts. When asked to comment, expert commentator I.R. Wright agreed that experts are experts for good reason, "Experts are worth their weight in grants and remuneration, and expertly justify their own existences." Wright was wrong to disbelieve in the belief that all future problems could be fixed by experting 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

I once was embarrassed to admit that after 17 years as a racker for the Natural Fussball League that I, too, now suffer from fussballs. With support from the Cojones Concussion Relief Fund, a 501 C-Cup, and other athletic supporters, I have kicked the fussball habit and fussballs no longer kicks me where it really hurts. If you care send 50 Bucks to Balls B, Bucksville.

Heat with wood? Tired of hauling ash and want dependable help? Buy a LOG DOG, a self-heating Logbradore Retreever that delivers a rick a day of cut wood to your rack, stack or shed. If you are stuck with wood, you need a dog that will stick with you. Next time he's out chasing sticks have him stick 50 Bucks in Box B, Bucksville.

It has been taught by the ancient masters that every human being has been created as a soul that will uniquely manifest some special attribute of the Infinite before resuming its Absolute Identity. All of us on this planet, endowed with a facet of Divine Individuality, are equally dear to our Creator. If you doubt this, I can not prove it to you for 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

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updated 2/24/2017