LAST WRITES. If you are not sure where you are going to end up in the next Millenium, then make sure you at least got the Write Outfit. Rather than find yourself in a crack that Slammo will get you out of only once, Write Outfitters for the beast deals on pasta pumps, keg wipes, windows dressing, infestment services, communistcation stations, freeze-dried surivalist religious training, and mollyterry monoforms. Ordor forms and catastralogue available. He who writes lasts, he who lasts writes Box B, Bucksville.
GET EDUCATED! The Corporate Arts Divinity School now offers the following degrees: Conjugal Arts, Consumer Arts, and Tough Arts. Help design the Child Powered Home that doesn't have 5-foot ceilings. Synthesize Tonicotine insecticide patches. Learn to operate the TitheTron 2000 Love Generator! We make a lot of money thru education, so get smart, get a schedule, get inrolled for 50 Bucks at Box B, Bucksville.
FEEL LOW? Or not at all? Need slacks after pressing? If you are challenged with getting a leg up, ARM yourself with Auto Regard Mechanisms. You can feel good and right about the right and good that you are without a lot of expense, so get Esteemed up and steam on over to self respect where ARMs are made for hugging your 50 Bucks at Box B, Bucksville.
How will you behave when there is always someone watching? With what will you cover that is not transparent? What can we possibly have to hide that we can't easily expose for free or 50 Million Bucks, whoever comes first, at Box B, Bucksville?
GAMBOLING & PROSELUTION are legal! This is to convince you that it's play time and convert you to a life of frolic and prose solutions. Too long have writers been cradled into poetry through wrong learned in suffering and taught in song. Great Life is our choice, and I'm gambling that gamboling will be the religion of my future. What it costs you to make me rich is nothing compared to what it cost me to become rich. Want proof? Send 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.
Yearn to earn? If you lean towards learning, and figure you're fixin to fixit, check out the Speling Sinter at Tech Know Multiversity. Tech Gnomes who are teched in the head and heart will dance with your Great Grammer if you can spell, conjugate with verbs or knot. Life is short or not, and before you return to cinder get our coarse information and figure out how to figure 50 bucks to Box B, Bucksville.
CRASS ACTION LAWSUITE needs 404s to help us sue God for losses due to accident, injury and death resulting from heat or the absence thereof, inertia, gravity, momentum, mass, genetics and the environment. If you have ever tripped over your laces, walked into a door frame, dropped a sixpack on your foot, been blown of course, slid into a ditch, frozen your tongue to a railroad track or spilled scalding coffee in your crotch, let your mass be your guide to attorneys Mitch and Boan. Pry your spreading assets off the couch and belly up at the bar for 50 billion Bucks as God B, Bucksville!
YOUR AD HERE doesn't make any sense, since my ad is here. More than make you look I made you wonder, ha ha, and if you want your ad here you can have the space but you gotta bring some beers and 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.
FOR SALE: Real estate of the Holy Land! Looking for a homesite for your Holy Family? With a church on every block and the spirit of mosquetel on every lip, a religious experience is yours. Prey on property in Jerusales, Nazarent and Bet the Ham. Caveat Sanctu on the Lease Bank. Real a Deal for 50 Bucks at Boxabux, Buxvilious.
Tired of being just a nondescript consumer/citizen of a huge bureacratically controlled country where you have no clout? The Solarge Corporation, owner and controller of the world's solar energy and atmosphere, proposes purchase and control of all state bureaus, and all citizens will become vice presidents and/or associates of the world's largest employee-owned corporation. As an owner you will have a say in the decision making process that we propose you agree on. Since the Solarge Corporation has management perfected, we have plans for perfecting your management. This is not Fascism, it is Deregulation. For a free brochure of your responsibilities and liabilities send 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.
Henry announces the Henry Virus, due to strike when I walk into your lab or get near your machine. The Henry Virus will find copies of poetry and love letters on your hard drive, download them to Zips and floppies, and then publish them under the name Henry. For anti-Henry Virus protection send 50 Bucks to Henry at Box B, Bucksville.
Y Tookies, it's time to look ahead and prepare for Y3K and Y4K. Before belief, belay and beware because you never no whut? Packin foodin ammo give way to gardnin and carin' for Karen and the chilren, and gettin soiled is good for plantin groceries and ideas that 1,000 years of peas begins with Y Porque'. Yo no tango 50 Bucks at Box B, Bucksville.
MercyBuck Hospital announces the broadening of its revenue base into the FrankenFood industry and introduces the Meet Market. Comestibles include: Franken Burger, Fishy Sandwich and Ham Borgers, engineered from ingredients and meaty choices. Coming soon, Granny's Crispy Juicy MegaMeat Morsels, catchy finger food for the discriminating gluton. Meat the Meet Market, downstream from Box B, Bucksville.
Have known and unknown feelings will trade for experience. Will consider trading customized personal lessons for customary social tranquility. Since much of the good done in the world is accomplished by people who feel really lousy about themselves, I wonder why I feel so good about myself. If it is wise to come to, I will learn from you for only 50 Bucks two Box B, Bucksvilles.
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