Q: Do you have investment interests?
A: Yes, in mutual funs and parimutual puns. We are dedicated to
making money, no matter what the cost.
Q: But isn't there a saying that money is the root of all
A: Hold on, now. We know scripture! It is the love of money
that is the root of all evil. At Box B, we hate money, we just
can't get enough. Why buck it?
Q: Why do you keep referring to "we" when there is only one of
A: All royalty refer to themselves that way.
Q: What makes you think you are royalty?
A: Because we sit on the throne everyday, whether we need to or
Q: Hold on, let's not get thrown off the subject!
A: Hey, that's a great one! You have just contributed to the
"collective conciousness" of Box B. We'll be sure to pun that use
Q: So that's how Box B works, you steal ideas from everyone
around you?
A: Of course, don't we all? Our language also lends itself as a
great source of material. It's our verbal pun-ishment.
Q: Then Box B, Bucksville, draws its existence from the
expressions of human experience?
A: And the picture is sometimes awful. We also have an
Executive Brain Trust which meets regularly to dump insights into
the Aseptic Think Tank.
Q: No doubt they are paid out of the corporate "sludge"
A: Hey, we'll make the jokes here! Being committed to "open"
mindedness, we encourage flaccid minds for flexible thinking. At
Box B, there is no stiffness in our staff.
Q: And when the staff fails?
A: We seek the guidance of what is known in some circles as
"spirit channelings." Caps are removed and the spirits go into
our channels in search of humor beings.
Q: Box B, Bucksville, is guided by spiritual values?
A: Of course, the spiritual value of the dollar.
Q: What makes the dollar spiritually valuable?
A: Doesn't our "almighty" dollar say "In God We Trust?" It is
hard to miss that connection. Besides, religiosity is good
business. From Falwell to the Pope, the modern churches are holy
high rollers. They all preach, "Savior bucks in God We Bank and
Q: Jesus might take a dim view of that, considering his
reaction to money changers in the temple.
A: Yeah, easy for him to do, he didn't need to make money. He
could turn water into wine, feed 5,000 people with five loaves
and two fishes, heal sickness and raise the dead. And when thirty
pieces of silver were invested to keep him quiet, he gained 2000
years of notoriety with the ultimate corporate coup! Jesus saves
so we can spend.
Q: Is nothing sacred?
A: Nothing is sacred because everything is scared. We give up
what we hold sacred, even Mom, the Flag and apple pie, for fear
of not making enough money. Fear rules our lives and keeps us
from laughing, especially at ourselves. Humor heals fear. Box B
is like the court jester probing and revealing truths without
losing his head. We laugh at everything, especially Box B,
Q: Sometimes the subject is very serious.
A: Someone has said that when you see the deadly seriousness,
then you see the humor, and sometimes it takes humor to see the
deadly seriousness.
Q: But in the want-ads?
A: Want-ads are a microcosm of our world and seriously short on
humor. It is our wants that keep us from laughing and enjoying
life. Also, it is a cheap way to get into print and a fertile
medium for a new art form.
Q: New art form?
A: Life is an art form. Box B, Bucksville, seeks to inform and
reform the art of life with awareness and humor. Few realize the
careful language, deep meanings and nuances of the art. Sometimes
you laugh.
Q: Makes me want to reread past ads.
A: Here they are, a box of bucks will B.
Q: So Box B, Bucksville, is to better mankind?
A: Only if we can make some money.
Q: Thank you for your time and pointed view.
A: Sure. It looks pretty good from in here.
Q: Where?
A: In the aside of Box B, Bucksville.