Box B, Bucksville 2018

We are all saints and we are all sinners and I bet you 50 Bucks you don't know which one of you dominates. My saint says your sinner is a gambler, and my inner sinner knows a saint would never admit to having bought a Fifty Dollar Life Insurance Policy at the Bucksville Life and Goat Exchange next door to the Solarge Plaza Luxury Limousine Depot and Gambling Confessionairy where redemption is only 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

Infinite Absolution is absolutely finite so it pays to hedge your bets on 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

We protect our eyes from the photochromatic invaders, yet hesitate to protect our brains with some tinfoil hats and prayers that you will send 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

Gawad has made different religions and different spirits to suit different aspirants and drinkers in our own times and places. How to worship or drink is not Gawad, but the path to Gawad. One may quaff and ale at the Pub or sip a sacrament in the sanctuary and it will all make us giddy either way. For worse information send 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

On this physical plane there are unseen forces pushing me onto the planet. There are also unseen forces trying to pull me off. If you are unsure whether you are being pushed on or pulled off, I can help, I just need to pull 50 Bucks out of your pocket for Box B, Bucksville.

Breath guides my heart through my feet to the Earth. My roots are mighty, and I crave lightning fits of eternal branching into etheric night where I can love this breezy breath of Life. It is purity in Being, but it's not obvious that you need to send 50 Bucks to Box B, Bucksville.

MEN! Are you tired of the same ol' breakfast of pig parts, cornflukes and non-coagulated bovine lipoids? Is your lunchbox crowded with babylony sanwitches, eatchareetos, muckamole and feed chips? Do you have trouble reading the tiny print of your Solid Waist Cookbook in attempts to prepare exotic bilinguini dinners with beer coolers? Simplify your life with Farina Dude Chow, all purpose grub in Cheesy Chunk and Pork `N Brew flavors. Dude Chow is fat fortified and cheap. Any time of day you dump some in a bowl, pour on your favorite beer, stir and eat. In 50 pound bags, or buy the dump truck full from the Chow Dude at Box B, Bucksville.

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updated 9/21/20