FOR SALE: The rights to the energy of the sun. For the rest of this
century you can get in on the hottest acquisition in the solar
system. Bring 50 quadrillion bucks (cash and gold) to Box B,
Bucksville, collection agency for the Solarge Corporation.
The Solarge Corporation, a subsidiary of Box B, Bucksville, is
pleased to announce the formation of its new utility, the
Everywhere Regional Atmospheric NonCooperative, to serve the
growing public need for breathable air. Because indoor pollution,
garbage incineration, acidic fog and organo-chemical mists are
part of the "good life," we support your unalienable right to
breathe freely. So, for a price, fresh non-toxic air will be
piped to your home. Available in scents and nonscents.
Remember, at Solarge, it's "Better living through chemystery."
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Family Farm Corporation, a subsidiary of
Box B, Bucksville, a subsidiary of Bucksville International, a
subsidiary of the Solarge Corporation, a subsidiary of Bucksville
Intergalactic, has acquired the entire world's grain, oil and
mineral supply in order to lower the price of food, energy and
commodities to consumers. There will be a short six year delay in
deliveries while a new office building is constructed, so hang in
there and drink lots of water. Address all orders and complaints
to Box B, Bucksville.
FOR SALE: Used planet. Burns oil, needs some work. Even though
she's been driven hard, she has only 2.8 zillion original miles
and billions of tons of minerals and resources left! If you would
like to drill this baby through the galaxy while discussing terms
with the current owner, call The Solarge Corporation for
appointment, c/o Box B, Bucksville.
The Solarge Corporation, owner and controller of the energy of
the sun, will purchase the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas,
New Mexico and Arizona in a move that will undoubtedly prompt
corporate ownership of the remainder of the USA. A spokesperson
for Solarge says, "The nation as a whole is actually owned by a
few very wealthy individuals already, so in order to give the
appearance of public ownership without appearing like a socialist
state, we initiate the trend of the future." Pay your bill for
solar energy on time or we will turn it off. The Solarge
Corporation, a subsidiary of Bucksville Intergalactic and
Collection Agency for Box B, Bucksville.
The Solarge Corporation announces friendly leveraged buyout of
the United States Bureaucracy and the establishment of corporate
headquarters in a soon to be vacant pentagonally shaped office
building in Arlington, Virginia, for the tidy sum of $50
billion. This represents a lot of borrowed junk bonds so please
invest heavily in the market, insurance company, bank or pension
plan of your choice. Any corporations wishing to buy particular
agencies or bureacracies are respectfully requested to wait six
months. Do not request the treasury, since it is ours, the
Federal Reserve, since it is already privately owned, or the
military, because we need it as a tax write-off. The Solarge
Corporation is owner and controller of the world's solar energy
and collection agency for Box B, Bucksville.
The Solarge Corporation is wholey happy to announce that it has
purchased and incorporated the near heavens and attendant angels
and has negotiated contracts with the major gods for control of
the world's religions, henceforth known as Church Corporation,
which offers all popular icons, books, beliefs, services and
collection personnel to complement the American worship style.
Remember, you're not okay without cash, and you're just no good
without God, and regardless of your religious upbringing you will
find articles of faith you can afford at Chruch Corporation,
headquartered at St. Paul's Mall, a for-profit incorporation of
heaven and Earth, and a subsidiary of God, Incorporated, a
subsidiary of the Solarge Corporation and collection agency for
Box B, Bucksville who sells it like it is.
Tired of being just a nondescript citizen of a huge
bureacratically controlled country where you have no clout? The
Solarge Corporation, owner and controller of the world's solar
energy and atmosphere, proposes purchase and control of all
bureaus, and all citizens will become vice presidents of the
world's largest employee-owned corporation. As an associate
officer you will have a say in the decision making process that
we propose you agree on. Since the Solarge Corporation has
management perfected, we have plans for perfecting your
government. This is not a Fascist idea, we call it Deregulation.
For your brochure of vice presidential responsibilities and
liabilities, send $50 to Box B, Bucksville.
The Solarge Corporation, owner and controller of the world's
solar energy, refuses any knowledge or harmful effects of solar
radiation to industry, cars or jobs. The sun has been shining on
plants and animals for millions of years and has never caused
cancer or other skin problems and if such should start to happen
now, The Solarge Corporation hereby disclaims any and all
responsibility for your sunburn. This corporation didn't get so
large giving money away, and your $50 monthly payment is past due
at our collection Box B, Bucksville.
The Solarge Corporation, purveyors of the finest solar
emanations, wishes you to think warm and not be fooled by chilly
blasts of global warming. Cold is the absence of heat, so growing
glaciers means there must B hot air somewhere. Eat, drink, and be
merry while you buy our line of fine solar enjoyment enhancing
products. Think global warmingly, act locoly. Sooner than later
you'll get down to the Greenback Effect and Box B Cool,
The Solarge Corporation, rightful owners and controllers of the
sun's energy since 1986, and the world's grain, oil and mineral
supply since 1988, has purchased Earth's atmosphere and water in
a leveraged buyout that leaves all plants and creatures dependent
on the Solarge Corporation for non-bottled breathing gasses and
something to drink. Failure to pay your Air, Sunlight and Sea
bill will increase the amount delivered, thereby increasing what
you owe, plus interest! Leaping this year to make Earth the
happiest planet on this side of the galaxy, we are collecting
Boxes of BBucksville.