Dictionary "J" & "K"

JARGONAUTS (from) Old French gargon, twittering + Greek nautes, sailor. We, the blithering, in order to form a more non-sensical Union, establish our Captain (O Captain) to prattle on about the need to continue to paddle our con scripted ship of state into the currency without a rudder till we find the Golden Fleeced, et cetera, et cetera, amen, harrumph.

JEALOUS (from) Greek zelos, zeal. An autobiographical description of God, according to King James. I believe that the Creator has no reason to be jealous of anything, due to the solitary existence of all that is. However, the gods are jealous because of the outrageous competition for souls that exists between the many subjective heavens ruled by zealous gods of like demeanor. The guttural sounding word "god" should be considered synonymous with the likes of "gubernator" or "governor." The names most often given by Earthlings to a Supreme Being are multi-syllable, melodious names like Yehovih, Jehovah, Yahway, and Yeshuah, some of which translate to mean Great Mystery, or Great Spirit. The generic term "god" shall be used to indicate our elder sister or brother who is here to assist all of us to the etheric heavens that exist beyond the Earth and her tiny atmospheric heavens. Since the Creator is not jealous of any creature created, neither should we be.

JOB (from) Middle English. Originally a piece of work. The origin of this word is obscure, but the need for jobs is clear to this writer. For most of human habitation on this planet we humans have been set up by our Creator with true wealth -- the ability to produce our own food, shelter, clothing, childcare, and transportation. In the last few hundred years a few lazy, wealthy, greedy men who command mercenaries and pirates have usurped land and trade routes and enlisted jobbers, guys with sharp sticks who jab (archaic), to take from other humans that which they will not labor to produce themselves. As the numbers of producers diminished, the jobbers (jabbers) convinced less fortunate humans to labor with promises of gold. Once the laborers got on the payroll they lost touch with the self-sufficiency humans were originally blessed with, and now, in the 20th Century, the whole world is expected to follow a new Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules. It is my opinion that the first job was as a mercenary, based on the fact that job and jab are archaically the same.

JUSTICE (from) Latin justus, just (from) jus, law. Misspelled form of "just us," as it was originally spelled by elite groups of lawyers referring to themselves. A relative term, like liberty, dependent upon ones' race and income.


KAPUT (from) French capot, cloak with hood, from cape, a garment. Destroyed, wrecked, incapacitated. This word obviously comes from Latin caput, head. My reference dictionary refuses to make the connection between "head" and "wrecked," so this dictionary will. For example, "The heads of state and commerce are not to blame if the economy and environment are totally wrecked so long as people have it in their heads to continue consuming the goods and services that render the world kaput."

KARMA (from) Sanscrit karoti, he does, he makes. Fate. An argument that falls in the wake of infralapsarianism. For example, "If you desire to argue original sin and do not like this dictionary because you are adversely affected by it (made to think), then that is your karma." So it's a lousy example. I'm not so sure I believe in karma either.

"I feel no logical reason to believe in 'original sin' or 'karma.' As I think, I become. The more I seek to serve others, the more others serve me. The miracle is being patient enough to recognize that not all of the service I receive comes from my friends and neighbors, but all of it comes from the Great Spirit." -- Roger Henry

KNOWLEDGE (from) Old English cnawan, to know, (from) IndoEuropean gno-, to know. Contemporarily, an accomplishment based on the capacity to cram lots of stuff into the mind. What we know may not make us smart. SpeedForgetting Courses may be in order for the overly learned. (Check out the first Speed Forgetting ad at Box B, Bucksville.)