Dictionary "R"

RADIATE (from) Latin radius, ray. To diffuse or disseminate from, or as if from, a center. For example, the nuclear industry has so much harmful waste to dispose of that they must radiate it to various locations away from the point of manufacture, for instance, to nuclear weapons assembly, toxic waste dumps, and places for food irradiation and "medical" experiments.

RAISE (from) Old Norse reisa (from) IndoEuropean risan, to rise. To build up. Example: If we need to raise capital we can print money.

RAPE (from) Latin rapere, to seize. One of the joys of war.

RAPTURE (from) Latin raptus, rapt, from rapere, to seize. The late and greatest gift of Christianity to the rest of the world after God comes and seizes them for transport to their heaven, thus leaving Earth to the "Pagans" who love and respect Her. We will then nurse Her back to health as She nurses us back to health.

RAZE (from) Latin radere, to scrape (from) IndoEuropean red-, to scrape, scratch, gnaw. To tear down. Example: If we need to raze capitol we can print money.

READ (from) Old English r‘d, advise, (from) IndoEuropean ar-, to fit together. I advise everyone to read. Reading is one of several ways in which we may more thoroughly educate and confuse ourselves. The more we read about the ineptitudes of The Bureaucracy, the more likely we are to someday throw a fit together.

"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations." -- Winston Churchill

REAL ESTATE (from) the king's land. Landed property. Until Europeans invaded North America there was not a single real estate agent on this continent. As the price of land goes up, and houses are used for profit instead of homes, look at what is happening to the real value of land as it is polluted by industry, cities and transportation, and the topsoil erodes into the oceans. If we render the Earth uninhabitable, how do we expect the gods to welcome us to the super real estate of the heavenly continents?

RECIPE (from) Latin "take," imperative of recipere, to take. A formula for, or means to, a desired end, especially in cooking and pharmacology. For Example, "American Taco: White bread, head lettuce, Whipped Miracle and Whizzed Cheese. Install food-like substances between folds of white bread-like substance. Create your own formulas and desired end for such recipes. Take at your own risk." I know that wasn't fair because I'm the guy who created The Burn Book. It has 80 great recipes on how to turn perfectly good food into carbon. Where there's smoke there's dinner!

RECREATION (from) Latin recreare, to create anew. In America we create new ways to go to Nature with expensive, obnoxious and often dangerous and destructive tools and toys to enjoy the great outdoors because all that equipment cannot be operated indoors. For such sport I hereby take lexicographers license to respell it "wreck creation."

RECRUDESCE (re'kroo-des') (from) Latin re-, again + crudescere, to get worse, (from) crudus, harsh, raw. Haven't heard this word used in days. It means to break out anew after a dormant or inactive period; return; you know, like Springtime! If the resurgence of Spring is "to get worse," does that imply that Winter is "to get better?" This word fits more appropriately with the recrudescence of the stock market. Recent history reveals that writers who were suppressed during the Roaring 20s recrudesced during the Dirty 30s following the Crash of '29. When conditions got worse (re: the oily 80s), writers become more active exposing conditions as they really are, and worse, created diversions and illusions to distract us from conditions as they really are. I hope readers are ready for another Ambrose Bierce-like dictionary. It's only been 90 years.

RECYCLE (from) Latin re-, again + Greek, kuklos, circle. My 1969 dictionary doesn't list this unusual combination of two languages. It is redundant since the word cycle implies a periodically repeated sequence of events. As we come to further understand the cyclic natures of matter and energy, we will come to realize the subtle differences between garbage and trash. We will learn to keep the garbage (glass, metal and plastic) circulating, and organic matter (trash) will be returned to the Earth to complement food production. Don't throw this book away when you finish it, recycle it. Pass it to friend or foe.

REDMAN (from) Mu the Motherland. An advanced race of original Americans who will be able to tell us white folk how to live on Turtle Island (this continent) after the Day of Purification, if we will only listen, and if we survive, and if they will.

REDOUBT (from) Latin reducere, withdraw: back + to lead. A defensively fortified hiding place to retreat to. If, in battle or in service to the Church, we ever doubt our ability to advance, we fall back and take refuge in the redoubt. Small military bunkers of this type that previously protected us from the unconverted have become huge military bases that protect us from the heavily armed, and if we didn't doubt them then we sure should redoubt them now.

REDOUBT VOLCANO (from) Alaskan magma. Vulcan's present workshop where he is currently manufacturing arms for the gods and other heros of Nature in their effort to overthrow mankind. Included in his arsenal will be earthquakes, tidal waves, and mutant bacteria (the subject of future myth and legend) that eat anything and everything when it gets hungry, and we are in its way.

REINCARNATION (from) subjective heavens. A circular heaven resembling a wheel fastened to a carma rolling upon the Earth whereon the celebrants are periodically squashed into humanity until such time as they tire of it, deincarnate, and get off. The belief in reincarnation is an old one previously rejected by Christianity because of the need of their jealous God to keep the angels enslaved in heaven and not flying back down to Earth. Angels do escape from the lower heavens, and if they know of no higher heavens to go to and fly back to the Earth, one of the first things they inspire mortals to believe in when they get here is a belief in reincarnation. See how the wheel goes round?

RELATIVITY (from) Latin relatus, connected, relative. A state of dependence in which the existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent upon that of another. For example, "If you attempt to explain relativity to a relative who is a couch potato, you will soon discover that relativity is only relatively relevant to your relatives, relatively speaking." Fortunately, my existence does not depend solely upon the ability to write such fantastic examples for the entries in this otherwise remarkable dictionary.

RELIGION (from) Latin re-, back + ligare, to bind, fasten. An export that precedes agriculture and militarism in the process of subjugating, and binding back to the fold, smaller "primitive" cultures of heathens or Pagans who know nothing about how sinful they are. Not to be confused with spirituality.

REPUBLIC (from) Latin respublica, a public matter. What we need to do to misplaced taxes that are non-public.

"There are as many kinds of republics as there are gradations between the despotism whence they came and the anarchy whither they lead." -- Ambrose Bierce

REPUBLICAN PARTY (from) The Bureaucracy. Formerly, the Democratic-Republican Party organized in 1792 by Thomas Jefferson. A group of people working "freely and equally" to condense the wealth of the many into the hands of the few. Barely distinguishable from the Democratic Party.

RESOURCE (from) Latin resurgere (from) re-, again + surgere, to rise. Something that can be turned to for support or help. Means that can be used to advantage. Assets. A clever way to imply that one man's trash is another man's treasure.

RESPONSIBILITY (from) Latin respondere, "to promise in return." I can think of several definitions, but none as simple "the ability to respond."

"You talk about 'responsibility' - now show responsibility - show total responsibility. You have blighted a planet - now remove the blight." -- William S. Burroughs

ROOSTAMAN VIBRATION (from) the islands. Harmonious vibes of the Jamaican Chicken King.

ROSTRUM (from) Latin rostrum, beak, ship's prow (from) IndoEuropean red-. A raised platform for public speaking. The Roman rostrum in the Forum was decorated with the prows of captured enemy ships (from hostile takeovers). Other words with the same origin include abrade, corrode, erase, erode, rascal, and rash.

RULE (from) Latin regula, straight stick, ruler, pattern. Not until the eighth definition did my dictionary list "straightedge." For example, "The first rule of lexicography is to occasionally bend the rules," so I list the first seven last, which are references to authority. I do not totally accept "rules are made to be broken" as an important rule. I have the liberty to choose whether or not such an order is useful to me. I also choose to question the "authority" that arbitrarily imposes rules that serve business instead of the People. Please check out the Box B Basic Rules.

rhenry 1/21/97